Applications will be accepted from 1 December 2024 to 31 March 2025

The Board of Directors encourage all Australian Vision Research members to nominate deserving colleagues or self-nominate for any of the following prestigious Australian Vision Research Excellence Awards:

Emerging Ophthalmic Researcher Award


Nominations open to emerging researchers in the field of ophthalmology, who became RANZCO fellows within the past 10 years (at the close of applications), who have demonstrated excellence in ophthalmic research, and who meet one or more of the awards criteria.

Women in Ophthalmic Research Award


Nominations are open to female researchers in the field of ophthalmology, who have demonstrated excellence in ophthalmic research, and who meet one or more of the awards criteria.

Distinguished Service to Ophthalmic Research Award


Nominations are open to distinguished leaders in the field of ophthalmology, who have been RANZCO fellows for more than 10 years (at close of applications), who have demonstrated excellence in ophthalmic research, and who meet one or more of the awards criteria.

Guidelines for Excellence Awards

  1. Nominators and nominees are required to be Australian Vision Researchmembers.

  2. Nominees must reside within Australia.


  3. Office holders, members of the Board of Directors and Awards Committee members are not eligible to be nominated for an award during their terms or to make or second award nominations.

  4. Nominators and supporters may only support one nomination for each award.


  5. Nominators can nominate an individual from their own institution. Only one support letter may be from the same institution as the nominee (a minimum of one supporter must come from a different institution).

  6. Previous recipients of an Australian Vision Research Excellence Award may not be nominated for another award in the same category but are eligible to receive an award in a different category subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. All nominations are for one year. Occasionally, the Awards Committee may hold a nomination over for consideration the following year. Two years must pass before an individual may be re-nominated for any award.

Nomination Process

1. Questionnaire

The nominator must complete the Australian Vision Research Excellence Awards Questionnaire describing in detail the contributions of the nominee and her/his impact on ophthalmic research.

2. Letters of recommendation

The nominator is responsible for contacting a minimum of two individuals who are closely familiar with the nominee’s work and who support the award nomination and obtain a brief letter of recommendation(no more than one page) for uploading into the awards site.

3. A brief summary statement (Approximate 100 words)

4. Link to nominee’s Google Scholar profile*

5. The nominee’s career summary

(using criteria supplied). Published abstracts should not be included.

*Nominees should create/update their Google scholar account prior to nomination.

Awards Criteria

In addition to excellence in ophthalmic research, the Awards Committee will also look for evidence of excellence in one or more of the following criteria:

1. Professional Accomplishments:

The recipient should have made significant contributions to the field of ophthalmic research through their research, clinical practice, teaching, or leadership in the profession.

2. Impact on Patients:

The recipient’s work should have made a meaningful impact on patients’ lives, either through improving their vision or overall eye health, advancing treatment options, or raising awareness about eye research.

3. Collaborative Work:

The recipient should have demonstrated the ability to work effectively with others in the field of ophthalmic research, whether through collaborations on research projects, mentoring of junior colleagues, or involvement in professional organisations.

4. Innovation and Creativity:

The recipient should have demonstrated a willingness to think outside the box and approach challenges in innovative ways, leading to novel discoveries or approaches to treatment.

5. Professional Ethics:

The recipient should have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity, including honesty, transparency, and a dedication to advancing the field of ophthalmology for the benefit of patients.

6. Continued Excellence:

The recipient should have a proven track record of continued excellence and dedication to the field of ophthalmic research, with a focus on ongoing professional development and contributions to the profession.



Presentation of Awards

The Australian Vision Research Excellence Awards will be announced at the 2025 RANZCO Congress.


Each recipient of a Distinguished Service to Ophthalmic Research Award will receive a commemorative plaque.


Each recipient of an Emerging Ophthalmic Researcher Award and Women in Ophthalmic Research Award will receive a commemorative plaque and up to AUD$3,000 towards travel to an ophthalmic related conference.