Professor Watson received her award for services to ophthalmology having had a distinguished career spanning many organisations including:

Sydney Eye Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital

  • Head of Department, Corneal Unit, current.
  • Ophthalmic Surgeon.

Keratoconus Australia

  • Co-Founder, Save Sight Keratoconus Registry, since 2014.
  • Ophthalmologist, since 2014.

University of Sydney

  • Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Save Sight Institutesince 2017.
  • Honorary Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Save Sight Institute 2011-16.

Australian Vision Research (trading as Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia)

  • Chairperson, current.
  • Board Member.

Ophthalmology – Other

  • First Vice-President, Sydney Eye Lions Club, since 2015.
  • Editor, Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group.
  • Chair of the Advocacy and Outreach Committee, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, since 2021.
  • Fellow, Academy of Asia-Pacific Professors of Ophthalmology (AAPPO), since 2019.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)

  • Co-Founder, Women in Ophthalmology Group, 2018.
  • Fellow, since 2001.

Awards and recognition include:

  • Top 100 Global Power list for Ophthalmology, The Ophthalmologist, 2022.
  • Silver Fellow, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2021.
  • Top 100 Power list for Women in Ophthalmology, The Ophthalmologist, 2021.
  • Dorothy Potter Medal, New Zealand branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists 2021.
  • NSW Premiers Prize in Science and Engineering Leadership in Innovation, 2019.
  • First prize, Medical Device Commercialisation Training programme, NSW Health and ATP Innovations, 2015.
  • Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop Fellowship, Asialink Leaders Programme, University of Melbourne, 2013.
  • National Health and Medical Research Council Awards, Gustav Nossal Medical and Dental Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 2004.

Professor Graham Barrett AM, MBBch, FRANZCO






Professor Barrett was recognized for significant service to ophthalmology, and to professional organisations.

Professor Barrett is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and a Clinical Professor in the University of Western Australia’s Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science.

He trained in ophthalmology in Western Australia and undertook specialty training in the USA.

Professor Barrett has a made an extensive and varied contribution to ophthalmology, both nationally and internationally. He is founding and current President of the Australasian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons and Past President of the Asia Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.

He is the recipient of major international awards and is the first Australian ophthalmologist to win, in the same year, the prestigious Binkhorst, Ridley, Sushruta and Choyce Awards.

He has developed innovative instruments aimed at improving outcomes for patients undergoing cataract surgery which are widely used by ophthalmic surgeons.

Professor Barrett has published extensively in text book chapters, peer-reviewed papers, has produced award-winning videos on cataract and refractive surgery and sat on several industry editorial boards. He is a sought-after speaker at national and international industry congresses and conferences.








Dr Moore founded North West Eyes in 2003. He has been practicing as an Ophthalmologist since 1989, and has developed a special interest in Cataract Surgery and Medical Retinal diseases such as Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Eye Disease. His career has included the following roles:

International Ophthalmology

  • Director and Co-Founder, Eye Openers International, Andhra Pradesh, India, since 2006.
  • Director, Go Medical, North Korea, since 2015.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)

  • Fellow, since 1989.
  • Clinical Tutor, RANZCO Vocational Training Program, Tamworth Hospital, current.

Ophthalmology – Other

  • Ophthalmologist, Tamworth, NSW, since 1991.
  • Member, Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO), current.
  • Clinical Lecturer, Ophthalmology, University of New England, current.
  • Founder, North West Eyes, Tamworth, 2003.